Why is LCD Business Card so hot now?

I believe many people have experienced some invalid social interactions, such as participating in various exhibitions, forums, parties and annual meetings, and sending and receiving countless business cards. Who is it?

This situation is detrimental to the development of high-quality contacts. To obtain more effective resources, we must first let others remember you, whether it is company or personal information, to highlight an impression. This traditional business card cannot be given. The LCD Business Card is carried in the form of video. The personal image and brand information are perfectly integrated through audio and video content, and then distributed through WeChat, which can be quickly spread on the mobile Internet.
LCD Business Card
In addition to the personal short LCD Business Card, merchandise catalogs and merchandise videos can also help display the corporate image and product image. Many daily social activities are inevitable. If there is a simple, direct, informative and light packaging 'S personal short video business card, to some unhappy, this can solve a big problem for people who do not want to actively socialize.

In this era of short video popularity, visual fast-moving is the trend. We ca n’t stop those content groups that are obsessed with entertainment and fragmentation. All we can do is stick to it and go out of our own way. Make a short LCD business Card and improve the ability of short video to bring goods, and then present it to the elite groups who have always supported us. Personal video business cards and enterprises with diversified creativity will inevitably replace traditional business cards and bring more business opportunities.